January 18, 2021 Minutes


The  Edon Village Council  met in regular  session on January  I 81\  2021. Those  present at the  community building  for  in person  and  a teleconference meeting   due  to  Corona 19 were   councilpersons  Mike   Lirot,   Lee   Lawrence,  Brook   Morris-not   present,  Dave Loughborough,  Dan  Ankney,  and  Brandon  Thiel.   Also  present were  Mayor  – Duane Thiel,   Village   Administrator   Chad   Ordway,    Fiscal   Officer   Heidi   Bidwell,   Chief  Szymczak,  and Village Solicitor – Tom Thompson  via teleconference.

Edon  Village Council  Reorganized for  2021 and committees remained  the same. Safety- Dan Ankney

Dave Loughborough

Brandon  Thiel

Public Works-Mike Lirot

Dave Loughborough

Lee Lawrence

Finance – Lee Lawrence Mike Lirot Brandon Thiel

Wage  n Comp- Dave Loughborough

Dan Ankney

Brook  Morris

Park – Brook Morris

Zoning – Dan Ankney

Cemetery – Dave Loughborough

The  Council  Meeting  will remain  on  the  3ro  Monday  of  each  month  at  7:00 p.m.  The February meeting  will be  Tuesday  the  I 61h  due  to  President’s  Day  Holiday for Village employees.

Council  President  2021 – Dan  Ankney nominated   Dave  Loughborough  and  Brandon Thiel  nominated  Lee  Lawrence.   Dan Ankney  had  I  vote and Lee  Lawrence had 2 votes. Lee Lawrence 2021 Council President.

The  minutes   of  the  previous   meeting   were   approved.   A  motion  was  made  by  Dan Ankney,  seconded   by  Mike  Lirot.    Roll  Call  was  taken   with  Mike  Lirot  –  yes,  Lee Lawrence  – yes, Brook Morris-not present, Brandon Thiel – yes, Dan Ankney – yes and Dave Loughborough – yes.

The financial statements were approved. A motion was made from Lee Lawrence, seconded by Mike Lirot.   Roll Call was taken with Mike Li rot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – not present, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.

The bills approved  as paid with a motion from  Lee Lawrence,  seconded  by Mike Lirot. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – not present, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes, and Brandon Thiel – yes.


The  Village offices  will be closed February  15•h  for  President’s Day.

Chief Szymczak  was present for  the police report  for  the month of December.  He reported on activities  and monthly  logs.  He stated  he had attended  his regular monthly  meetings.   He has heard  no word  from the Sheriff on contract  for  Village.  Officer Wheeler  has begun  working  again  for  department.

Safety-  none

Cemetery – They  will be meeting  to approve  cemetery maintenance contract  for 2021 . Park- none

Public Works – none

Finance  – They will be meeting on January 25•h at 6p.m. Wage  & Compensation – none

Zoning – none

Village Administrator Chad Ordway  updated  Council on issues and projects he is and will be working  on through  the month.   Admin. Ordway  stated  the bids were  opened for the Railroad  Street  waterline  project.   The bids ranged  from $211-242,000 and were under the engineer’s estimate.   We have made our recommendation to the County and now they will award  the bid by next meeting.  Administrator  Ordway presented council with his Annual Water  & Wastewater Report  for  their review. He concluded  that the water  plant projects have been completed and his next project is to begin upgrades  to the WWTP.

Old Business-

The forms for nuisance complaints are complete and ready to be utilized. New Business-

Lee Lawrence  made the motion to suspend the rules for the passage of Ord.  1-21 .   Dave Loughborough  seconded the motion. Roll call was taken with Brook Morris – not present, Dan Ankney – yes, Brandon Thiel – yes, Mike Lirot – yes, Dave Loughborough

– yes, Lee Lawrence – yes. Mike Li rot made the motion to approve  Ord. 1-21 , authorizing and directing the village administrator to execute and option and purchase agreement for  real estate,  to perform all necessary acts to effectuate the option and purchase agreement  for  real estate and declaring an emergency. Seconded by Dave Loughborough.  Roll call was taken with Brook Morris – not present, Dan Ankney- yes,

Brandon  Thiel – yes,  Mike Lirot – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes,  Lee Lawrence – yes.

Dave  Loughborough made the motion to go into executive session to discuss property acquisition, seconded by Dan Ankney.  Roll call was taken  with Brook Morris – not present, Dan Ankney – yes,  Brandon  Thiel – yes, Mike Lirot – yes, Dave Loughborough

– yes,  Lee Lawrence – yes.

Lee Lawrence made the motion  to come out of executive  session.  Seconded by Dan Ankney.  Roll call was taken with Brook Morris – not present,  Dan Ankney  – yes, Brandon  Thiel – yes, Mike Lirot – yes, Dave  Loughborough – yes,  Lee Lawrence – yes.

No action  taken.

Dave  Loughborough made the motion to adjourn.   Seconded  by Mike Lirot. All ayes.

Heidi Bidwell, Clerk

Duane Thiel, Mayor

Contact Information

Chad Ordway
Administrator: 419-272-2152
Address: 108 E Indiana St PO Box 338 Edon, OH
Phone: 43518-0338Email: admin@edon-ohio.com
Fax: 419-272-2249