The Edon Village Council met in regular session on July 19, 2021. Those present at the Edon Village council chambers were councilpersons Mike Lirot, Lee Lawrence, Brook Morris, Dave Loughborough, Dan Ankney, and Brandon Thiel. Also present were Mayor – Duane Thiel, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell, Chief Symczak, and Village Solicitor Tom Thompson.
The minutes of the previous meetings of June 21 and July 6th were approved. A motion was made by Brook Morris, seconded by Dan Ankney. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The financial statements were approved. A motion was made from Mike Lirot, seconded by Brandon Thiel. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The bills approved as paid with a motion from Mike Lirot, seconded by Brandon Thiel. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes, and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Communications- none
Chief Szymczak was present for the police report for the month of June. Nothing further to report.
Safety- none
Cemetery – none
Park- none
Public Works – none
Finance –
Wage & Compensation – none
Zoning – none
Village Administrator Chad Ordway updated Council on issues and projects he is and will be working on through the month. Admin. Ordway stated that paving of the streets where the waterline project tore up will be completed within the month. Admin. Ordway stated he has received approved plans back from the state for the salt storage bins and the bidding process will begin on this project. He also stated he had received the plans back from the Engineer for the maintenance building and will proceed with the next step for bidding process. He concluded that Edgerton Village Tech services will end after July, as their staff has received necessary licenses to operate on their own.
Old Business – Lee Lawrence made the motion to pass the third and final reading of Ordinance 05-21 adopting amendments to the text of the Edon Zoning Ordinance regarding condos, minimum lot area and yard setbacks in R-1 and R-2 districts, location of detached garages, number of temporary accessory structures and maximum time period temporary accessory structures are permitted, child care and day care facilities, and fixing various typographical errors within the zoning code. There was discussion on the building of condominiums allowed in the Rockey Addition. There are thought to be subdivision rules that were attached to the platted deeds. These rules if filed would supersede zoning code and that discrepancy would be between the lot owners and the builders….not village. Also questioned was 1 temporary structure allowed up to 25% of property up to 90 days. Brook Morris suggested changing that 25% be changed to a reasonable square footage. That can be done with a resolution presented to the zoning board suggesting the change. After discussion, Mike Lirot seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – no, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
New Business – Dave Loughborough made the motion to pass the first reading of Res. 05-21. Accepting the 2022 amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor. Seconded by Brook Morris. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Mike Lirot made the motion to send the completed plans of the maintenance building out for bids. Seconded by Dave Loughborough. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The Ordinance Review Committee will meet before the August 2nd meeting at 6:00p.m.
The next council meetings will be August 2nd and August 16th, 2021.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dan Ankney. All ayes.