The Edon Village Council met in regular session on June 21, 2021. Those present at the community building were councilpersons Mike Lirot, Lee Lawrence, Brook Morris, Dave Loughborough, Dan Ankney, and Brandon Thiel. Also present were Mayor – Duane Thiel, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell, Chief Symczak, Village Solicitor Tom Thompson, and Zoning Board members Jeff Pease, and Andy Ledyard.
A public meeting was held first at 6:30 p.m. to discuss zoning code amendments regarding condos, minimum lot area and yard setbacks in R-1 and R-2 districts, location of detached garages, number of temporary accessory structures and maximum time period temporary accessory structures are permitted, child care and day care facilities, and fixing various typographical errors within the zoning code. See attached list who was present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. A motion was made by Mike Lirot, seconded by Dan Ankney. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The financial statements were approved. A motion was made from Brook Morris, seconded by Mike Lirot. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The bills approved as paid with a motion from Brook Morris, seconded by Mike Lirot. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes, and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Communications- The Village Offices will be closed July 5th in observance of Independence Day.
Chief Szymczak was present for the police report for the month of May. Nothing further to report.
Safety- none
Cemetery – none
Park- He asked about the teeter totter getting installed. Will be installed by month’s end.
Public Works – none
Finance –
Wage & Compensation – none
Zoning – none discussed at Public Meeting.
Village Administrator Chad Ordway updated Council on issues and projects he is and will be working on through the month. Admin. Ordway stated that the waterline project is almost complete. They have begun pressure checking the water lines and will begin installing taps to complete. The next month they will be setting up the speed radar signs, installing the new pieces of playground equipment and installing the bypass valves at the wastewater plant to prepare for the sewer plant inspection.
Old Business –
New Business –
Lee Lawrence made the motion to suspend the rules to pass Res. 03-21. Seconded by Dan Ankney. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Dan Ankney made the motion to accept Resolution 03-21 as an emergency Certifying Funds to the Williams County Auditor for the Edon Union Cemetery ½ mill renewal levy. Brook Morris seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes. Note: this was a revised resolution to replace resolution 02-21 due to State of Ohio wording requirements in the resolution.
Dave Loughborough made the motion to pass the first reading of Ordinance 05-21 adopting amendments to the text of the Edon Zoning Ordinance regarding condos, minimum lot area and yard setbacks in R-1 and R-2 districts, location of detached garages, number of temporary accessory structures and maximum time period temporary accessory structures are permitted, child care and day care facilities, and fixing various typographical errors within the zoning code. Dan Ankney seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to suspend the rules to pass Ord. 06-21. Seconded by Mike Lirot. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Dan Ankney made the motion to remove section 1179.06 from the zoning code. This section is a repeat from the zoning code and addresses abandoned and unlicensed vehicles on properties. It will be covered under regular codified ordinance section. Mike Lirot seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Lee Lawrence suggested that council meet twice a month for a faster progression and passage of village ordinances and village updates. He moved Village council meet for regular council meetings the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Dan Ankney seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – no, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney- yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Dee Henry asked the council about the passage of the village ordinance allowing them a $1 million line of credit for the construction of a new maintenance building. Majority of the village residents thought this amount was excessive for a new building. Administrator Ordway assured the residents that at the present time we are getting an engineer to prepare a building spec and we will be receiving bids for the building. If at that time none of the bids come in at where council thinks we should proceed the building will either be adjusted in size or we will wait for a different time to proceed. He assured the residents that no utilities will be increased and the income tax will still be allotted the same way for streets and general and capital outlay.
The next council meeting will be July 6th and July 19th, 2021.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dan Ankney. All ayes.