EDON VILLAGE COUNCIL September 8th, 2021
The Edon Village Council met in regular session on September 8th, 2021. Those present were councilpersons Mike Lirot, Lee Lawrence, Brook Morris, Dave Loughborough, Dan Ankney, and Brandon Thiel. Also present were Mayor – Duane Thiel, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, Chief Szymczak, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell and reporters from the Bryan Times and the Advanced Publisher.
Communications- Village wide large trash pickup will be October 16th, 2021.
Safety- They met and are working on speeding complaint/petition of the truck traffic on North Michigan Street. The radar signs will be in place within the month and will research the data collected from the signs.
Cemetery – none
Park- The village received a $21,570 donation from the Edon Area Foundation and are receiving an additional $20,000 from Dimension Veneer and they would like to see it replaced with a wood structure. In addition, looking at a $25,000 Nature works Grant that will allow handicap accessibility features and the Village will contribute $20,000. This will be a project in the works for the next year.
Public Works – none
Finance – They will be meeting within the month for year-end prep.
Wage & Compensation – none
Zoning – none
Village Administrator Chad Ordway updated Council on issues and projects he is and will be working on through the month. Admin. Ordway stated that they are installing the foundations for the radar speed limit signs on the edge of village limits. The bypass valves have been installed that will allow us to check sanitary sewer tanks for the work that needs to be done to refurbish them. The village purchased a bigger and better wood chipper.
Old Business –
Dave Loughborough made the motion to pass the third and final reading of Res. 07-21 and suspend the rules. Dan Ankney seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – no, Lee Lawrence – no, Brook Morris – no, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes and Brandon Thiel – yes. A tie vote allowed the Mayor to vote and he voted yes. Motion carried. The third and final reading of Resolution 07-21 recommending the adoption of amendments to the text of the ordinance regarding maximum size and lot coverage area for temporary accessory structures and referring the proposed amendments for review and recommendation by the Village planning and zoning commission. This will be sent back to the zoning commission to review and recommend to council.
New Business-
Lee Lawrence made the motion to suspend the rules for Ord. 07-21 seconded by Dan Ankney. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – no, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes and Brandon Thiel – yes. Mike Lirot made the motion to pass Ord. 07-21 accepting the bid of Siebenaler Construction for the construction of the maintenance building, authorizing the Village Administrator and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with Siebenaler Construction and to sign all documents. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – no, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to go into executive session to discuss property acquisition and imminent litigation. Seconded by Brook Morris. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – no, Dan Ankney – yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to come out of executive session. Seconded by Brook Morris. Roll Call was taken with Mike Lirot – yes, Lee Lawrence – yes, Brook Morris – yes, Dave Loughborough – yes, Dan Ankney – yes and Brandon Thiel – yes.
The next council meeting will be September 20th , 2021.
Lee Lawrence made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dan Ankney. All ayes.